The Diaries of a Middle-Aged Housewife

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Most Embarrassing Moment

Everyone has embarrassing moments they wish they could forget. Today was one of those days. My day started out great. It was raining (I love it when it rains), I got to go to my adult religion class, and then I had to work a half-day at school. I was subbing 5th grade in one of my favorite classes. It started out just great. The D.A.R.E officer came and taught for almost one hour while I surfed the web. Then I got to eat lunch with some of my favorite teachers. After lunch they had to take a math test. Piece of cake sub. job right? Well, that's when the moment in question happened.

The kids were all taking the math test. They're a really good class, so they were being really quiet and concentrating. Some of them had finished, so they were drawing or reading while waiting for the rest of the class to finish. While they were testing I decided to make good use of my time and balance my checkbook and write myself a little note of things I needed to take care of. Well, when I leaned forward to grab a sticky note, something unexpected happened....I farted. The problem was it had a little volume to it. I tried to pull off the academy award for best actress and not change my facial expression and acted like nothing happened. I wanted to burst out laughing, but I was able to contain it. I noticed one of the boys looked over my way. I'm sure he at least suspected it was me, but I was hoping he wasn't sure it was me, and hopefully he thought it was a fellow student. Anyway, I wanted to die. If only I could have a do over!!!

Anyway, embarrassing moments happen all the time, but today just happened to be my turn!!


  1. MOM!!!!! this is hilarious! I love you so much. I would have played best actress too :) I hope everything is going well at home. I really just want to have a 5 hour conversation with you and talk to you about everything in life. Give everyone a hug from me. I hope your gas levels decrease :) love you mommy! i appreciate all you do!

  2. Mom... nice to know. Why do you write about your gas problems? that's just sick and wrong, but (BUTT) AT THE SAME TIME HILARIOUS!!!!!!
    Still your sick and wrong. At home you always talk about your GAS!!!!

  3. That was a great story and so you! I would have died! I can't believe that you were able to keep a straight face. Maybe you should have been an actress.
